Horsetail Falls Engagement Photos

Horsetail Falls Engagement Photographs

Huge props to Shannon and Dillon for hiking the Horsetail Falls Trail in dress clothes, they were hands down the best dressed people on the trail.  Spent a fun morning exploring the gorge with these two and I'm so excited to photograph their wedding this next summer.

Horsetail Falls Engagement Photographs | Jami + Cass

This shoot was so inspiring for me.  I LOVE The Gorge, waterfalls, hiking and just generally being outside.  So I was stoked that Jami and Cass were up for hiking the Horsetail Falls trail for their engagement photos.  They love hiking too and are a really fun and adventurous couple.  When we started out the weather looked amazing, I was prepared for rain and thought we had lucked out.  After we hiked up to Ponytail Falls, the rain moved in pretty fast (see the photos of the clouds/fog in the gorge below).  We made it back to our cars, sufficiently soaked, and stoked about the photos.  I hope to get out on more adventures like this for my shoots, and thank you Jami and Cass for hanging out and doing this hike with me.