photography gear

PolarPro Variable ND Filter Peter McKinnon Edition Unboxing Video | Unboxing in The Wild

I just got the PolarPro Variable ND Filter Peter McKinnon Edition 2-5 Stop and I’m so excited about putting it to work on lots of exciting projects this year. I did a lot of research before buying a variable ND filter, hoping that I would come to the conclusion that the $45 one would indeed be good enough, but in the end, like I always do, I decided to go with the item that would give me the most possibilities and least limitations in my work (this is the main deciding factor for every piece of gear that I purchase “How is this going to give me new possibilities or make my work significantly better"?, this is the question I ask myself.)


I decided I’m going to call my unboxing videos unboxing in the wild, because I like that name, and it gives me another excuse to get outside. I unboxed this on a rock, at the beginning of the Polecat trail, a place that I frequently mountain bike.

I purchased this filter for use with my EOS R (well and any camera that I ever own) for professional photo and video work. I use all L Series Canon Lenses (You can see my gear here), and I tried some cheaper variable ND filters, but found three problems:

  1. They degraded the image quality.

  2. They changed the image color.

  3. They got a massive black x on the image at the outer ranges of their capabilities.

These are all problems II could for the most part work around, but it would require more work in post, and my main concern is delivering the best work to my clients as fast as I can, which is in the end why I went with the PolarPro vs the cheaper options.

If you just look at the filter, it’s beautiful. Spending so many years doing photo work, I haven’t seen the need for a variable ND filter. Sure it would’ve been fun in some ways, but with doing video, and being able to shoot with the shallow depth of field look that I love, an ND filter is a must.

I purchased the 82mm version of this filter, because I can use step down rings to make the filter fit smaller lenses, as my lenses are 77mm and 72mm, if you’re going to purchase a variable nd filter, I recommend you do the same, so that you only have to purchase one of them, that you can use on every lens.

I haven't used this filter yet, so I’ll review it in the next few months after I put some real time into using it, and I've got some projects that I'm really excited to put this to work on.

Email me with any questions:

Here's the Link to the PolarPro Variable ND Filter Peter McKinnon Edition 2-5 Stop 82mm

Gear Used for this video:

Canon EOS R:

Canon 35mm F1.4L:

Tascam DR-10L Recorder + Lav Mic:

ProGrade V90 128gb SD Card:

Manfrotto Tripod:

Comment or email me with any questions or comments, it’s snowy and beautiful in Boise today and my kids want me to drag them behind my car on sleds, so yeah, I’m going outside now and doing that :).
