Apker Family

The Apker Family

Meet the handsome Mr. Locke and his parents, Katie and Mark. When Katie told me they were up for a "healthy level of quirkiness," I knew we were going to have a great time! We decided to do their pictures in tiny little Dayton. Bryan and I had our eye on this old church for a long time so we were excited when they agreed to make the trek out there! Katie is a successful and creative florist in the Portland area, so brides take note! Her business is called Fleur Bliss and her blog is so much fun to look through. We had a blast with you guys! Thank you so much for a wonderful night out on the town in...hmmm...Dayton!!! Leah

Locke is clearly getting hungry!

Still hungry!

This is Locke's lemon face, which he apparently created especially for this picture session! Love it.

Summer Light | Coming Soon

Is there anything better than the warm summer nights we've been having. For Bryan and I, they've been perfect for front porch sitting, baby room painting, and of course photo shoots! We've been enjoying some pretty incredible evening light and some really special people. Here is a little glimpse of what is coming up on the blog. Leave a comment to tell us which is your favorite photo and how you like to celebrate summer. We'll give an 8x10 print to the beautiful people in whichever photo has the most comments over the weekend. Thanks for stopping by! Special thanks to the Apker Family, Espen, Judy & Ty, Micah & Laura, and Norah Jane for spending some time in front of the camera: